The real big question for everyone is that, “what am I going to become in the future?” – in other words, it is, what career do I have to choose for myself to be successful in life? This is in fact a strenuously tricky task – not because that we don‟t have sufficient opportunities but because of the surprising fact, that,- we have got a huge variety of opportunities! We are now living in a world that surrounds us with loads of information whether we need it or not. The media (mainstream as well social) is always there to tempt us towards one thing this day and towards another thing the next day. So we get startled when we start to think about choosing our career. In this article let us explore and analyze the process of career selection.
The main things that come in this process are, the factors that affect our thought pattern positively or negatively towards a particular study or job, the ways and methods that we ought to follow to achieve a successful outcome out of this process and some important elements that we have to keep in mind before and during the entire process. Let‟s see one by one and then we can come to a definite conclusion.
The first thing we discuss here is the factors that affect our thought pattern to a significant level
while thinking upon choosing one‟s career. Generally, our ideas are either created or modified by
the ideas and inputs that we learn from our neighborhoods, relatives, and acquaintances. Most of
us do not think broadly and we hardly search for diverse opportunities. And moreover, many of us
are hesitant to think out of the box. We believe that what we hear and see in our surroundings is
the complete facts of the entire world. “See, your cousin has settled well with this degree, see my
colleague‟s son has got a lucrative job studying this and that degree”,- these are the dialogues we
use as a scale for selecting the study which is going to determine our happiness, satisfaction,
gratification, and financial status. Do you think that these kinds of observations are all enough to
establish yourself in the niche of time?
A career is not a simple thing that can be easily changed from time to time. Once you choose it, it is going to be one of the most important parts of your life. If it is not chosen rightly at the right time you will feel that always something is missing in your life! Because, you can feel fulfilled only when you feel gratification, pride, and a sense of achievement in what you do. Otherwise, your job will seem to you as a big burden that sucks all your energy and enthusiasm. So, it becomes highly essential to think upon putting yourself in a well thought out study or job.
When we talk about a good career, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds is the money that the career can yield. Considering a career only in terms of money is single-dimensional thinking and it is not a complete one. You can choose the best-suited career for you
once you realize what you really want out of your career. Because a career has many purposes other than money. To say shortly, a job can support you financially, it can be a fantastic playground to practice your passion, it works as a platform to help people to come out of their problems, it may create loveable changes in other people‟s lives, it can act as the pedestal to keep you as the most successful person on the earth! You are the one who must decide what to value and how to value, in your life. Before deciding upon a career as good or bad, consider the above factors first and thus you can find out what you have to become. Money is one of the most fundamental things in our lives, but keep in mind, it is only fundamental, and there are so many other things that make us feel we are living our life.
Our job is going to be the biggest part of our life. It is going to be the only single thing which will take the longest part of our time. It is going to be our identity in our society. So, definitely, we must think that what will happen if the longest part will not give us anything such as gratification, a sense of pride, appreciation, recognition, and a place for our passion,- except money. The temptations that we get from our surroundings may hide these aspects of life from our eyes. But these are the most essential things that we have to consider while selecting a career. We should be really bold in selecting a career that we like, only then we can defeat the temptations around us.
A truly successful career has these two main elements. One is, I must follow my passion instead of
becoming prey to popular choices; the other one is, how I am going to make my passion beneficial
to society. If we can maintain a perfect balance between these two things then your job will be
the loveliest one for you. You ought not to sacrifice your passion for the sake of money and at the
same time, you must not forget to make it a useful one for the people. You have to think about it
to make it happen.
Pursuing your passion – instead of going behind the popular belief, is the best possible way that
will make you feel like a successful person in the future. You are not born to be the one among the
masses; you are entirely different from others. Your career success relies on your capability of realizing this basic fact. If you are still doubtful about career choices, you can go for a career tour around your locality. You may visit the workplaces, shops, factories, commercial establishments, concert halls, other countries‟ offices in your town and then you can work it out with the help of your parents and teachers. The world always gives you in abundance, be grateful to it, find out your choice, and discover yourself. All the best, for your successful career journey!